The 9th Meeting of the APSN Council was held on 7th & 10th November, in Penang, Malaysia. The APSN Council Members from Canada, China, Hong Kong China, Janpan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, and Vietnam had an intensive discussion about the key issues related with the APSN development, including APSN five year Strategic Plan, GPAS implementation, APSN Study Center, the
APSN re-designed the VI system including a new logo, a new version of the brochure, a new business card, head letter paper and others in the office visual system. APSN published the first issues of the Chinese version of APEC Port Development Report 2015 in July 2016
Chinese Website
APSN WeChat Public Account
APSN LOGO of VI System in 2016
Business Card in VI System of 2016
APSN Brochure Bilingual
APSN Brochure Chinese Version 20
APSN Brochure English Version 2016-Cover
APSN Brochure English Version 2
Souvenir from TPT-WG by Ministry
Souvenir from Ministry Transport
Suvernior from 2nd Silk Road Forum
APSN Bag in 2016